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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
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Teeth Whitening

Lake Oswego, OR

Whitening your teeth is a simple cosmetic procedure that can make a dramatic change in your look. There are in-office whitening treatments available. Working with our team at Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dental Care, we can help you have a brighter, cleaner, fresher-looking smile, best of all; our patients often feel that they even look younger when completed.

It’s not a secret; we require many things from our teeth. They are continually exposed to the large variety of stains and acids from the foods and drinks we consume. Even with good, consistent brushing, after a period, our teeth begin to look dingy, and we often assume this discoloration is associated with aging. We can remove the stains and the years of wear from your teeth quickly and easily.

Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

Do you need a Teeth Whitening?

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Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Staining

Teeth whitening can help teeth that are extrinsically stained; this means that the outer layer of the enamel is stained, often due to food and drink stains or smoking. Teeth that have been stained intrinsically, which is the inside the tooth, from conditions such as fluorosis, trauma to a tooth, or tetracycline antibiotics, cannot be fixed with whitening. We can discuss dental bonding or veneers in this situation.

Some of the biggest teeth-staining foods and drinks we consume include acidic foods such as berries, tomato sauces, soy sauces, wine, and tannic acid that is found in sodas, coffee, and tea.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is completed in about one hour. Because you are under the care of Dr. Dose, we can prescribe a heavy dosage of peroxide, much higher than can be purchased in a store. We create a barrier to protect the soft gum tissue from the chemical. Otherwise, burns can occur. The peroxide will bleach the stains and whiten your teeth.

In general, patients have only their most visible teeth bleached. This often includes the 6-8 front teeth on each jaw. Additionally, we can arrange to have just a specific tooth, or a couple of teeth whitened to assist in a specific situation.

Do store-bought teeth whitening products work?

When choosing whitening products from a store, be sure to read the product label. Often, store-bought whitening products do offer some level of peroxide and can limitedly whiten your teeth. Store-bought products cannot provide the same levels of peroxide that can be prescribed. This means that in many cases, the product purchased will provide some level of whitening, but it will be more limited and done over a longer period of time.

Are you interested in getting a teeth whitening treatment? Give us a call at (503) 647-4565, or book an appointment with us online today!

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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
Decrotive overlay of white triangle
Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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