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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
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Bone Grafting

Lake Oswego, OR

Tooth loss is a serious oral health issue that affects your entire life. Simple tasks that you once did without even thinking, such as eating and speaking, suddenly become a major challenge. Your smile is diminished, and your confidence falls. Under the gum line, tooth loss has serious implications for the health of your jawbone. Without your teeth, even just one, the bone where the teeth used to begins to resorb and grow weak. Over time, the bone begins to change shape and your teeth begin to shift out of natural alignment.

Dental implants are a relatively recent, revolutionary treatment designed to replace missing teeth, and they have a whole host of benefits. One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is that they stop the bone loss that follows tooth loss, helping you to maintain the strength of your jawbone. However, because implants rely on the fusion of your bone to the titanium rods, you need to have sufficient bone mass remaining. Too much bone loss does not automatically render you ineligible. At Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dental Care, we can restore missing bone mass, making dental implants possible, with bone grafting.

Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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What is a Bone Graft?

Bone loss occurs naturally when you lose a tooth. Over time, the bone grows weaker and weaker. To be considered a candidate for dental implants, you need to have sufficient bone mass remaining in your jaw. Too much bone loss leads to an increased risk of implant failure. Bone grafting is a procedure designed to replace your missing bone mass, restoring the strength to your jawbone and making dental implants a possibility.

Types of Bone Grafts

There are several different types of bone grafts. To determine the best course of action for your needs, we thoroughly inspect your mouth and jaw. Along with a complete oral exam, we also take X-rays. These images enable us to see the condition of your jawbone. We will discuss the different types of bone grafts with you as well as their advantages and drawbacks, and determine the type of graft that will provide you with the best possible outcome. Types of grafts include:

  • Autogenous grafts: This type of graft uses your bone. Because it is your bone, there is no risk of disease transmission or rejection. However, it requires two surgical sites.
  • Allogeneic grafts: This type of graft uses bone from a cadaver. One of the biggest benefits is that this graft only requires a single surgical site. However, there is a risk for rejection or disease transmission. We take the utmost care to avoid these issues.
  • Xenogeneic graft: This type of graft uses highly processed bone from another species. The processing helps to reduce the risk of rejection and disease transmission.
  • Synthetic materials: In some cases, we may decide to use synthetic bone grafting materials. These include bone morphogenic proteins or demineralized bone matrix.

How is a Bone Graft Performed?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure. We begin with administiring a local anesthetic. Sedation is also used to help you relax and remain comfortable throughout your procedure. Next, we make incisions in your gum tissue and expose the bone beneath. We then take the graft material and pack it into the areas of weakness. Finally, the gums are sutured closed. Once you have healed, a process that can take several months, we can then begin the implant process.

With a bone graft, strength is restored to the jaw, making dental implants a possibility. For more information, and to schedule your consultation, contact Nicholas Dose DMD Family Dental Care at (503) 647-4565 today.

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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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