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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
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Dental Exams

Lake Oswego, OR

When it comes to the overall health of your teeth, the best things you can do for yourself is brush, floss, and rinse regularly as well as make regular appointments to visit us at Nicholas Dose DMD Family Dental Care here in Lake Oswego. With our help, we can examine the current health of your teeth, detect problems and work to prevent health problems from occurring.

You can avoid coming into the office with big problems and rather attend to the small, treatable discomforts by keeping up with regular dental checkups. Our dental exams are comprehensive evaluations of everything your mouth needs to stay healthy.

Our exams include screenings for gum disease and oral cancer, evaluation for decay, and gum pocket measurement. We may also perform X-rays to detect and prevent tooth decay, cysts, tumors, and hidden problems found in, around, and below the surface of your gums.

Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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How to Prepare

At Nicholas Dose DMD Family Dental Care, we know not everyone is excited to visit the dentist, no matter how positive the results of your visit may be. Dr. Dose and his staff work hard to create a convenient, comfortable environment for you and your family to feel at ease. We work to schedule appointment times during the day when you feel well-rested and ready to visit.

You can prepare yourself for your appointment by collecting all the information you have on your current health status as well as the medications you are taking. Bring these medications with you so that we can discuss side effects with you in greater detail. You should also let us know if you have any fears related to visiting the dentist. Some fears you may have developed as a child may no longer be relevant to how we practice dentistry today. If you are concerned about pain, we have treatment and techniques we can use to control pain throughout your visit. We are here to listen to any fears you might have so you can feel better just by talking.

What to Expect

While visiting us for your dental exam at Nicholas Dose DMD Family Dental Care, you can be sure that every exam and test will be performed with the utmost care and comfort. We will begin by asking you a series of questions concerning your health, any problems you may have had in the past, and what medications you are taking at the moment. We want to know everything related to your health, even if it does not directly impact your teeth.

The body is connected in many ways and sometimes that ache or pain you have somewhere else can affect your oral health. We will take some time to discuss how your current condition and the medications you are taking could be affecting your overall oral health. For example, if you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk for gum disease. We will spend time discussing what might cause gum disease and what we can do to help you prevent it. Or if you have a medication that gives you dry mouth, we want to be informed so we can help protect you from tooth decay.

If you suffer from arthritis, we have strategies to make brushing easier so you can ease the pain caused by the consistent movement needed to scrub. We might even counsel you on a diet, smoking habits, and other things you can do in your daily life to positively affect your oral health. When you visit Dr. Dose, we take the time to get to know your needs so we can better help you reach your dental hygiene goals.

Are you interested in getting a dental exam? Give us a call at (503) 647-4565. We are happy to help you learn more about your smile! Or book an appointment with us online today!

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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry

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