Conventional Partial Dentures
A partial denture is a removable appliance designed to replace one or more missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. We typically recommend a partial if there are still healthy teeth surrounding the open area created by a missing tooth. Most partial dentures consist of metal, acrylic, and prosthetic teeth.
A partial for the upper arch consists of prosthetic teeth that attach to a retainer-like base. This type of appliance is commonly known as a “flipper.” To prevent problems with speech, a partial for the lower arch is usually shaped like a horseshoe. Both types of partial dentures typically have metal clasps that wrap around the surrounding teeth for support.
Precision Attachments for Partial Dentures
Thanks to technological advancements, some partial dentures come with precision attachments. Most precision attachments act as removable dental crowns, with a passive retention mechanism that locks the denture in place. Eliminating the metal clasps allows us to provide a more durable and esthetically-pleasing restoration.
The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth
Losing a tooth can cause several secondary problems for your oral health. Over time, your surrounding teeth may shift out of position to accommodate the open space. This can result in a malocclusion (misaligned bite) that diminishes the function and aesthetics of your smile.
Your tooth replacement will prevent major complications with your bite and restore the beauty of your smile. Whether you receive a partial denture, fixed bridge, or dental implants, replacing missing teeth is of vital importance. Talk with Dr. Dose during your initial appointment to learn more about the benefits of restorative dentistry.
Life with a Partial Denture
As with any restoration, there may be a short adjustment period as you get used to your new teeth. Because a partial denture is removable, it may take some practice to chew and speak with your appliance properly. You will also need to remove your partial for cleaning and maintenance.
After you receive your partial denture, we will review the proper care instructions. Be sure to ask questions and voice concerns to make the most of your new appliance. With the proper maintenance, your partial denture should last for many years!
We also ask that you schedule regular appointments so we can monitor your oral health. Routine checkups and professional cleanings are crucial in preventing dental problems and maintaining a restoration. Over time, we may need to adjust or reline your partial denture to ensure the proper fit.
Schedule Your Consultation
Are you interested in learning more about partial dentures? Give us a call at (503) 647-4565. We are happy to help you learn more about your smile!