Sometimes as adults, it happens. You eat or drink something, or you are running your tongue over your teeth, and you realize that one of your teeth is loose. While loose teeth are something to be cherished as a child, because it meant the tooth fairy is coming, it is not a good thing as an adult.
In fact, if you are an adult, and you have a loose tooth, you need to go and see a dentist, because a loose tooth is a signal that something is wrong with your mouth. Keep reading for some information on loose teeth.
Problems with Loose Teeth
One of the most persistent issues behind loose teeth is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is one of the most common causes for tooth loss and tooth shifts. When your dental care has been poor, bacteria can form on your teeth, when can lead to tooth decay and erosion. Over time this can cause tooth loss, especially if pockets develop between the gum and the tooth, bacteria will grow far more quickly.
If you are pregnant, you may find that your teeth are looser. While usually, this is not a big deal, and merely a case of hormones related to pregnancy, you may want to go to the dentist and get checked, especially if you already have periodontal disease. You may also have tooth movement or loose teeth if you are a woman with osteoporosis. Women with the condition are three times more likely to lose teeth than women without the disease.
Finally, if you have a traumatic event associated with your teeth, such as teeth clenching or grinding, or even being in a car accident, you may experience tooth loss as well.
If you have questions about loose teeth, or the condition of your teeth in general, why not stop by or give us a call? We would love to schedule an appointment for you.