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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
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Dental Implants

added on: February 28, 2023

One of the best ways to replace a missing tooth, or even several missing teeth, is by getting dental implants. A surgical procedure that requires several steps, dental implants are permanent tooth replacement options that not only restore the appearance of a full smile but also the function of tooth roots in the jaw. As… Read More

added on: September 15, 2022

We always stress the importance of seeing your dentist in Lake Oswego at least twice a year to protect your teeth from decay, disease, and other tooth troubles. But what happens if you no longer have any natural teeth and wear a denture instead? Should you still visit your dentist regularly? Absolutely! The truth is, your… Read More

added on: July 24, 2022

The term ‘impacted tooth’ refers to a tooth that was supposed to erupt yet hasn’t. As a result, the tooth can get trapped in the gums. Most commonly, impaction occurs with wisdom teeth, but the truth is any tooth can become impacted. So what exactly happens if you have an impacted tooth? Turn to your… Read More

added on: July 15, 2022

Not white enough, not straight enough, not even enough – these are just a couple of things that tend to bother people about their teeth. If you’re someone who isn’t completely happy with the way your teeth look, you may shy away from fully smiling and enjoying life. Nobody should have to live a life… Read More

added on: June 20, 2022

Dentures can be a game-changer for many people. They can help restore appearance as well as confidence. Dentures can even help people enjoy the foods they were once unable to eat. Many patients find their dentures a comfortable solution to missing teeth, but there are times when a denture can start to feel uncomfortable. Here’s… Read More

added on: December 30, 2021
smiling woman at dentist

When we’re little, isn’t it funny how amusing it is when we have a missing tooth or teeth? It’s really not such a laughing matter when we’re older adults. Aside from taking a toll on your self-confidence, having a missing tooth or teeth can also negatively affect your overall health as well. Your dentist in… Read More