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Nicholas Dose, DMD Family Dentistry
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Affects You May Notice As a Result of Bruxism

added on: April 25, 2021

Portrait of frustrated young woman clenching teeth.Bruxism is the grinding of the teeth, which is often the result of stress and/or anxiety. It can also be caused by caffeine and alcohol. While bruxism can often be short-lived, it can have damaging effects to the teeth, and so is important to resolve. Our dentists can sort out a treatment plan suitable for your specific condition.

Symptoms of Bruxism

Common symptoms of bruxism are jaw pain and disrupted sleep. The constant pressure of the teeth grinding together causes stress to the jaw’s joint, which can also cause headaches. This prolonged pressure can also cause the sufferer to wake up throughout the night, resulting in fatigue and weariness throughout the day.

Other symptoms include earaches, as the jaw’s joint, the temporomandibular, located is just in front of the ear. In rare cases, bruxism can even lead to damage to teeth and fillings, when the teeth grinding is so severe.

It is important to see us if you are experiencing any of these issues, to prevent severe damage to your teeth. Sometimes, it might not be easy to accurately self-diagnose bruxism, especially if it is happening in your sleep. A partner may tell you they hear teeth grinding, or you might awake fatigued, and with jaw pain.

Bruxism can be easily resolved with a mouth guard at night, preventing the teeth from grinding together, or changes to the diet, such as limiting caffeine and alcohol intake. We advise talking to one of our dentists, so we can properly diagnose bruxism and create a treatment plan for you.

If you experience these symptoms, contact our office, and we can book you an appointment with one of our professionals. Prolonged bruxism can cause irreversible damage to the natural enamel of your teeth, and so it is in your best interest to schedule an appointment when you notice bruxism symptoms.

About The Author
Dr. Nicholas Dose

Dr. Nicholas Dose grew up in a dental family and knew from a young age that he wanted to pursue dentistry. He keeps up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field and is an active member of various dental organizations, where he and his peers discuss dentistry treatments and trends. Among the organizations he is active with are the Academy of General Dentistry, American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry, Clackamas County Dental Society, American Dental Association, and the Oregon Dental Association.

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