A daily cup of coffee or can of soda gives you a little pick me up, but it can stain or even hurt your teeth. If you want the same type of boost without the harm to your mouth, you may want to consider trying green tea.
It is a great option for your mouth, as it is known to help protect the mouth when you are more likely to suffer from gum disease.
Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Each Day
Green tea has natural antibacterial benefits. It keeps your whole body healthier when you drink it, and it allows the tissues in your mouth to heal when you have some of the early stage symptoms of gum disease. It helps to balance the bad bacteria out instead of letting them multiply, and it keeps the good bacteria that help your mouth growing.
Other drinks can introduce acid and sugar into your mouth, both of which can hurt your mouth in many different ways. If you want to find a drink that only offers benefits to your mouth, then green tea should be the option you try. Just make sure if you do end up switching over to green tea that you avoid sweetening it, because your mouth needs to be kept free of sugars in order to get the benefits of drinking it.
Talk to your dentist about the drinks you currently consume and see what your dentist believes would be the best option for your teeth. Each mouth is different and requires different things to help keep it healthy, so let your dentist guide you towards the best options for you.
Contact our office to figure out options that not only taste good, but also help keep your mouth as healthy as possible.